Cybersecurity Awareness Gamification

Cybersecurity Awareness Gamification

Say goodbye to boring cyber security training

We've reimagined training with a fresh new approach that actually helps your organization fight cybercrime.
Prventi gamification hero image
Prventi gamification hero image
Prventi gamification hero image

Why security gaps continue to plague your organization

Year after year, organizations grapple with escalating cyberattacks—phishing scams, data breaches, ransomware—all resulting in steep financial losses and reputational damage. Despite trying to meet compliance requirements through standard training, many companies find these efforts fall short of driving real behavioral change among employees. Meanwhile, the cyber threat landscape is only growing more dangerous


More than 65% of breaches involve human error or negligence.


Phishing failures, already a large component of breaches, have increased by more than 10% during the last 12 months.


More than 53% of breaches are document as having a high or critical severity.

Gamification is the proven way to spark deeper engagement and ultimately, shift behaviors.

By weaving elements like competition, recognition, and real-time feedback into security awareness training, employees become active participants instead of passive observers. This approach not only increases knowledge retention but also creates a shared sense of responsibility across your organisation.
Leaderboard showing top three spots
Leaderboard showing top three spots

Fuel friendly competition
and collaboration

Our live leaderboards let participants see where they rank among their peers in real time. This healthy sense of rivalry not only keeps everyone on their toes but also fosters a supportive environment where employees cheer one another on and share winning strategies.

Points, Badges & Coins

Reward progress and
celebrate achievements

Every module completed, challenge conquered, or threat neutralized earns participants points, badges, and coins. These tangible rewards provide instant feedback and recognition—powerful motivators that encourage continued engagement and retention. 

New Badge

Social Engineering

mobile app screens showing available items
mobile app screens showing available items
Character Skins, Wallpapers and Boosts

Personalise the experience and increase engagement

Our built-in store lets learners spend their hard-earned coins on character skins, power-ups, and wallpapers that ensure learning streaks are maintained. By giving employees the freedom to personalise their virtual identities and amplify their skills, training becomes a more immersive, fun, and rewarding journey.

Learning Streaks & Defense Boosts

Build consistency and confidence

Maintaining learning streaks keep users coming back for more, solidifying critical cybersecurity knowledge over time. Each defence boost successfully completed contributes to the learning streak, fortifying your team’s cyber resilience. Consistent practice means fewer slip-ups, more confident decision-making, and stronger overall defense against threats. 

Defence boost cards in a stack
Defence boost cards in a stack

How will gamification help your organisation?

How will
gamification help your organisation?

These short, targeted boosted lessons tackle one specific cybersecurity concept at a time, from recognising phishing emails to handling sensitive data securely. By keeping each boost quick and focused, we make training easy to digest and retain.
Reduced Vulnerability

Highly engaged teams are less likely to fall victim to phishing, social engineering, or other common attacks—protecting both your data and reputation.

ROI You Can See

Lower incident rates translate to fewer costly disruptions, minimised downtime, and tangible savings on recovery efforts.

Stronger Security Culture

By making learning fun and interactive, you’ll embed security practices into your company’s DNA, ensuring every employee becomes a vigilant cyber defender.

Level up your defence
against cybercrime today

Don’t settle for uninspired, check-the-box training. Give your team a truly engaging experience that builds robust defenses from the inside out.